With a new kitchen curtain up...I decided to makeover my ironing board cover too! In some of my pictures you can see the fabric of my ironing board. It's pink , brown & tan damask. There's actually nothing wrong with it. It's still in excellent condition. It is however starting to bore me. So I decided to re-cover my ironing board with some pretty bright fabric that makes me happy. What fabric did I choose, you ask? I chose a beloved designer I admire....Denyse Schmidt with Flea Market Fancy...of course! I went with the turquoise bouquet fabric. I am seriously obsessed with this line and this particular print & color! The large print and fun colors will be perfect for an ironing board cover!
Click Here for the tutorial & finished cover!
You will need:
2 yards of desired fabric (keep in mind the direction of fabric if it's a directional print)
1 Package of Twin size Light Batting
2 packs of 7/8" Bias Tape
The Cord from your existing ironing board
1 Large Safety Pin
Let's begin!
Remove your ironing board cover from your ironing board and take the cord out.
Flatten the cover as much as possible to remove any wrinkles or pleats.
Lay your old cover on the wrong side of your fabric and trace a line around the cover. This will be our pattern OR you can lay your ironing board upside down on your fabric and trace around it BUT make sure you trace about 3" larger than the board!
(This is the original ugly cover UNDER my old pink cover)
Now, so the same thing on the batting. You may want to use a sharpie for this one.
Now cut the pattern out of the fabric and batting.
I highly recommend cutting about 2-3 inches larger than the line we just traced!
Now place your batting on the wrong side of your fabric...
Now grab your bias tape and piece them together to make 1 long strip. Sew one end with a 1/4" seam for a clean look.
Using the end that you just sewed a seam with...Start sewing your tape to the edge of the cover.
I would start at the bottom of the cover shown in the diagram...
Now work your way around the edges carefully, you can use pins if you want to. When you're done going around the whole cover, cut the bias tape and give it a nice 1/4" seam and finish sewing it to the cover.
When you're all done, take your cord and tie a knot at both ends. Grab your safety pin and pin through one of the knots.
Thread it all the way through the edge. Put your cover on your ironing board and pull that cord very tight! Tie a knot or bow and you're done!
Happy Quilting!

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