Monday, September 9, 2013

Why has it been quiet?

First, I just want to apologize for my blog being a little quiet lately. I feel bad for all my new followers. I have a pretty good excuse though, I swear!

I was debating on when to write about this. For some people, it's not a big deal. For me personally, I don't really like opening myself up to just anyone and letting them know everything that's going on in my life. You've probably noticed that I don't write about my day beyond sewing. I don't tell you about my recent trips, gardening techniques, moving situations, home renovations, what I ate for dinner, etc. You know what I mean. I know lots of bloggers post things besides sewing related consent. 

I'm a little more discreet about those things, unless you know me personally. Well, I didn't know when to post about this...just in case something came up, or happened. But maybe it's not a big deal and you should or would want to know. After all, you are a follower and probably wondered why I've been posting less frequently. I was rockin' and rollin' with multiple posts a week. Then out of nowhere..posted less and less. Well, my energy is being sucked out me (literally) and I haven't been in the mood to sew. It feels like a chore at this point...just like eating. All I want to do is sleep. Does anyone know where I'm going with this?

Yes, it's true. Charlie will be a big sister...


  1. Awww! Your body is working soooo hard right now - no energy for anything else! Totally understandable!!! Hope your energy picks back up - and you can get back to sewing (and eating!!!). Congrats on your news.

  2. Awww... Congrats! So glad it's for a good & happy reason! Take care of yourself!

  3. Congratulations REST! Hugs to you all Maggie x

  4. Congratulations!!! Oh my goodness that early sleep-all-the-time stuff is no joke. Rest and stay well, mama. (I, for one, can't wait to see the cute baby stuff you will make when you get your energy back!)

  5. Congratulations ...wonderful news.

  6. Congratulations! This stage will be over before you know it, and your energy will be back full force - at least until the final months anyway :*) Take care and only do what you feel you want to do - your body knows best :*)

  7. oh i understand! enjoy the little quarter incher!! :)

  8. Congrats!! I know exactly how you feel. This was me a year ago with my first, but now I'm enjoying being creative again!! Hope you're feeling well (other than being tired, of course!).

  9. Wooha! Congratulations!
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com
    ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com

  10. Congrats! Baby #2 is lots of fun....mostly :)

  11. It's a good thing to post about! Now special thoughts, prayers, good vibes and well wishes will be coming your way from your followers. Who wouldn't want that? Congrats!

  12. Big congrats, Stephanie! Wishing you all the best! And the sewing time? Will come back naturally ;)

  13. Congrats Stephanie! Get through the "sleepies" and your inspiration will come back in no time, promise! I'm excited for you!

  14. Ooh congratulations! I remember being so much more tired with my second--I didn't get near as much sleep because my first was keeping me up! Hopefully you'll feel a little better after the first trimester?

  15. Congrats to you Stephanie! It's a good thing that the nausea and tiredness doesn't last forever. They surely are worth it though!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  16. Congrats! That is awesome! Take care of yourself. Don't worry about us, we'll stay loyal! - Kate

  17. Best reason in the world, rest up! You are most important along with new one! Congrats!

  18. This is wonderful news! Congratulations to all of you.

  19. Absolutely fantastic news and I'm glad that you shared it with us. Please don't ever apologize about how much you do or don't post. There are no rules. It is your blog. Share when you feel like it.

    And take care of yourself. That is always the most important thing.

  20. wheeeeeeee! congrats! now you get to make all kindsw of cute baby stuff :)

  21. Exciting! I miss a post and just found out Congratulations!

  22. I go to the hay fields for a few days and come back and look what I missed! Congratulations Stephanie! Take good care of yourself and your new one. Lots of fun sewing ahead.
    xo jan@sewandsowfarm

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