A hopeful weekend of sewing was a mere dream and I was left cleaning up my place & spending time with my daughter. She is at that fun age of 9 months and she is such a happy baby. Sewing just wasn't going to happen...sigh. Oh well, we still have all week to start and finish such projects. In the meantime I did manage to to some quilty "research"...haha. Looking at quilts, sewing ideas & projects is like porn for me. I just can't help it! And pinterest....don't even get me started! You know what I'm talking about...spending hours and hours pinning and pinning. We all do it. We say to ourselves "just a couple more minutes" or "after this one" or "I just want to look for one thing I saw earlier" or whatever. Haha. You don't have to explain yourself to me. It's ok, I forgive you and your eager crafty soul. It's not your fault. You just need to forgive yourself and actually make one of these so-called "pins" you spend hours of you life with. I'm guilty too. I'll soon start pinterest worthy posts and let you see the end result of these little charms I've found.
Moving on! You may not know that Fat Quarter Shop has some A-m-a-z-i-n-g fat quarter bundles out right now. I just had to show them to you in case you've fallen behind in learning about them. These are the Blogger's Choice Fat Quarter Bundles! And they-are-stunning! You will just drool over them.
Which one is your favorite??? Of the bundles already released, I'm in L-O-V-E with the March bundle - Kelly & Andie came up with a beautiful ROYGBIV geometrics color combination! I had to have it. So, I checked my paypal account and it was smiling back at me...and the deed was done. It now sits happily on my fabric shelf aching for the perfect quilt to be done with it. *Sigh* Got any ideas? I've pinned and pinned ROYGBIV quilts but haven't committed to anything as of yet.
As far as future bundles go, I'm torn between the Rita Hodges June bundle and the Katy Jones July Bundle. I may have to get them both! Ha!
Don't forget about the random giveaway I'm doing for that cute little bag a few posts ago! It ends tonight!
You can purchase any of these bundles or subscribe to the bundle of the month club HERE!
Until next time,
Happy quilting!

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