Hi everyone! Happy New year and 2016! Hope you had a great holiday season! I've been pretty busy from another massive move. This time to Texas. We're here more permanent this time though. Military life can be a little wacky but I'm the perfect person to handle a wacky sort of life. I'm a little wacky myself so it just fits.
I feel like this year will be a big one for me and my blog. I'm have all sorts of plans! Starting with that Fabric Map Tutorial! Yay! I'll be posting the full tutorial later this week so be on the lookout! It's such a fun project! It is a little time consuming but just take it a little bit at a time and you'll enjoy the results :)
We're just getting all settled in from the move and I have my sewing room just about set up the way I'm going to have it for the this place. I'll be sure to take some pics and upload this here for you all to see. I did do a periscope video on it in case you're anxious. Check it out if you absolutely must. My username is steph_quarterincher.
Well, this was just a quick little hello! I just wanted everyone to know I'm still alive and ready to rock 'n roll with the new year and sewing! I have giveaways planned and lots of projects so be sure to check back soon. Have a beautiful week and keep smiling!